Fast & Easy Friday: A Recap of the Week’s Top Content Articles & Insights

As marketers, we’re busy people. We sometimes don’t even have enough time to eat lunch let alone dedicate an hour to diving into a detailed E-book or listening intently to a best-practices webinar. That’s why blogs that feature lists and top tips are especially valuable. 

So for this week, I wanted to spotlight some of my favorite articles of the week that are quick-hitting and extremely easy to digest. Yes, you can even scarf down your lunch while you’re reading them! 

  • 10 B2B newsletter ideas: You probably are subscribed to a number of online newsletters for your job or for your personal life. So you probably have some personal experiences interacting with great (and not so great) examples. Your organization may even have its own dedicated newsletter for partners, customers and prospects. Whether you’re just getting started with your online newsletter or want to refine your strategies, this is a great resource to help you create more effective content. 
  • Why infographics fail: Infographics have been bright, shiny toys for marketers and buyers alike. But there are times when they fail due to poor planning, execution and promotion. This article basically shows us what not to do with our infographics. 
  • 6 ingredients for a great digital experience: Marketing automation helps B2B brands engage buyers by sending the most relevant content to them at the right time. But SiriusDecisions notes that 85% of the marketers using these platforms don’t think they’re doing so to their fullest potential. The key, according to this article, is integrating content with strong buyer insights, quality content and other data sources. If you think your customer experience needs a boost, check out this article to see if and where you’re falling short. 
  • Top newsjacking tips: What I love most about newsjacking is that it keeps marketers, and their buyers, on their toes. The news cycle is faster than ever, and each new headline is a new opportunity for marketers to stand out and get noticed. You can check out some great insights from author David Meerman Scott on our blog, but this article also offers a great primer on the subject. 

Find another article or resource that you think is worth sharing with your content marketing peers? Drop us a line in the comments section and we’ll try to feature it next week! 


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