Fast & Easy Friday – 10.6.17

You’re busy and there are a ton of articles being shared each week. We find the best so you don’t have to! Here are the top five content marketing stories that grabbed our attention this week. 

Your Content Strategy Needs More Consistency (Hubspot)

John Hall breaks down why consistency in creating content matters and shares five tips for developing a strategy that works.


Micro-Influencers vs. Macro-Influencers: Whose Posts Are More Effective? [Infographic] (MarketingProfs)

Defining micro- and macro-influencers and an infographic that highlights the comparative benefits of incorporating each type of influencer into your marketing campaigns.


The SEO Competitive Analysis Checklist (Moz)

Distilled Marketing Consultant, Zee Hoffman Jones, shares her methodology behind competitive SEO analysis and offers multiple B2B marketing checklists around search platforms, content, audience, conversion and more.


The Charles Bukowski Guide to Effective Copywriting: 5 Tips (Hubspot)

Introducing Charles Bukowski’s formula for writing copy that compels: make it emotional, brief, clear, honest and stylish.


14 Ways to Get Smarter with Your Content and SEO (Search Engine Land)

An SEO framework that is (not your average) SMART and designed to make content marketers more successful in the ever-changing search arena.

Have some thoughts? We’d love to hear from you; drop us a line in the comments section below.


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